Yup, I'm lazy, as hell, I'm still animating, but not like the past months, I have a lot of ideas, madness cyborg, MC8.5, and other things, but... I don't know, I'm getting bored of animating, I still like madness, but it's not the same as the past months, well, I want to make some tests now, in some time I finish that thing.
Por cierto, lo siento por no haber terminado nada aun Juanford, te mandare esos tests que hare en vez de la parte, si puedo terminare esa parte.
[EDIT 09/12/2011] You need to check the account of my friend: http://taserxx.newgrounds.com/ , he is awesome at animating and it's gonna upload something for madness day, by the way I finished the test, lol. http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/38 84584d60a8edd9cf29a62db7fa73c7
hm... no vi ninguna de tus animaciones pero por el test que vi parece que animas wien osea que tiennes la idea de como llegaron sanford y deimos al coche? (perdon robaron XD) yo tengo la idea de como hank del 4 llego al estado tan awesome de ahora (madness 4.5) anima masssssss